High Intensity, Low Impact Training

Megaformer Studio in Manhasset, NY

50 Minutes of Full Mind to Body Connection in the Best Way Possible.

Slow and controlled movements to activate slow twitch muscle fibers with fast transitions to keep those muscles stimulated. All done while staying connected to your center of gravity, your CORE.

High Intensity

Low Impact

Heart Pounding

Calorie Shedding

Muscular Endurance

High Intensity • Low Impact • Heart Pounding • Calorie Shedding • Muscular Endurance •

First time on the Megaformer?

Give our Introductory “Tempo Bundle” a try!  It’s everything you need to get started. Two classes plus a pair of Tempo grip socks and a bottle of water for $50 (valued at $100). 

Be sure to tell us about your first time!

Low Impact.

Targets endurance muscles to create stronger and leaner bodies while safe on joints and ligaments.

High Intensity.

Combines resistance training and a Time Under Tension approach to ensure you are actually getting a workout.

Let's Clarify it is NOT Pilates…it is NOT a reformer. It is a MEGAFORMER.

 You will Sweat, Shake and feel like a SuperHero

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